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Navien Gas Tankless | Tankless Pros Az | Phoenix, Az
Navien Gas Tankless
Non- Recirculation
NPE-150S2 (non-recirculating)
Recommended 1-Bath Home
Energy Factor 0.93 (Energy Star)
120,000 BTU/H
6.8 Gallons Per Minute Maximum Output
Natural gas / Propane
Warranty 15-Year heat-Exc, 5-Parts
NPE-180S2 (non-recirculating)
Recommended 2-Bath Home
Energy Factor 0.96 (Energy Star)
150,000 BTU/H
8.4 Gallons Per Minute Maximum Output
Natural Gas / Propane
Warranty 15-Year heat-Exc, 5-Parts
NPE-210S2 (non-recirculating)
Recommended 3-Bath Home
Energy Factor 0.96 (Energy Star)
180,000 BTU/H
10.1 Gallons Per Minute Maximum Output
Natural Gas / Propane
Warranty 15-Year heat-Exc, 5-Parts
NPE-240S2 (non-recirculating)
Recommended 4-5 Bath Home
Energy Factor 0.96 (Energy Star)
199,900 BTU/H
11.2 Gallons Per Minute Maximum Output
Natural Gas / Propane
Warranty 15-Year heat-Exc, 5-Parts
With Hot Water Recirculation
NPE-180A2 (ComfortFlow® Recirculating)
Recommended 2-Bath Home
Energy Factor 0.95 (Energy Star)
150,000 BTU/H
8.4 Gallons Per Minute Maximum Output
Natural Gas / Propane
Warranty 15-Year heat-Exc, 5-Parts
Recirc. Pump with 1-gallon Buffer Tank
NPE-210A2 (ComfortFlow® Recirculating)
Recommended 3-Bath Home
Energy Factor 0.95 (Energy Star)
180,000 BTU/H
10.1 Gallons Per Minute Maximum Output
Natural Gas / Propane
Warranty 15-Year heat-Exc, 5-Parts
Recirc. Pump with 1-Gallon Buffer Tank
NPE-240A2 (ComfortFlow® Recirculating)
Recommended 4-Bath Home
Energy Factor 0.95 (Energy Star)
199,900 BTU/H
11.2 Gallons Per Minute Maximum Output
Natural Gas / Propane
Warranty 15-Year heat-Exc, 5-Parts
Recirc. Pump with 1-gallon Buffer Tank
Navien Gas Tankless Water Heaters
Premium efficiency condensing gas technology tankless water heaters are the #1 selling high efficiency condensing tankless water heaters in the Phoenix, Arizona areas. The NPE-2 series offers industry-leading efficiency up to 0.96 UEF/H to keep your utility bills low and endless hot water. Hence, you never have a cold shower and optional exclusive ComfortFlow® technology with built-in hot water recirculation that eliminates water waste (NPE-A2 series).

Actual installation in Scottsdale, AZ
Actual installation in Glendale, AZ